I spent a couple of hours at night in Old Montreal (or Vieux-Montréal in French) recently. What an incredible place!

This is looking from the steps of the Notre-Dame Basilica towards the Bank of Montreal.

This is the site of Montreal’s City Hall. One of the most beautiful buildings in the city is getting a face-lift. Rather than putting up with the scaffolding and clutter during the work, they stretch printed sheets over the work area. The result is some sort of surreal replica of the building hidden inside.

Residents work and live in this historic community. This is an apartment complex in the foreground and the impressive Aldred Building rising behind.

The cobblestoned streets, multicolored lights and old stone construction make even the more neglected buildings wonderful to look at.

The Vieux district overlooks a still active port on the St. Lawrence River. The row of shops, art galleries, restaurants and apartments just at the edge of the riverway create a visual gateway to the old city district.

Still another remarkable building, the Old Court House, is built in a neo-Classical design.
I want to go back, spend more time, and try the food.